Media Sector Notes

Shane Meadows creates feature films for Channel 4.

3 Minute wonders is the only specific time slot for amateur talent

C4 say that they have to take risks in order to keep people interested and watching the channel


Leaps and Bounds Foundation is now on its way to charitable status thanks to Channel 4’s ballet too.


They feel that multimedia allows for different engagement e.g. social media and the iconic step of them premiering skins on myspace and use this as an attempt to re-energise the company

Channel 4 are known for giving opportunities rather than people having to move in order to find these opportunities.

It is government owned, so have a responsibility to innovate, educate, be diverse and appeal to a culturally diverse society.

They aim their advertisements at ABC1’s die to them wanting to stay funded and a way for them to do that is by aiming adverts at working people so they can afford to buy the products advertised.

Companies can also sponsor some programmes if desired but Channel 4 don’t make their own programmes as 30% of their output is from outside of London

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